This is the flyer from the Society of Saint Gregory. The Society of Saint Gregory was formed on 12 March 1929, undertaking the task of promoting full and active liturgical participation in light of Vatican II. The Liturgical Movement of the early 20th Century was influential in preparing and developing the Second Vatican Council’s constitution on sacred liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium.

The Society naturally engaged with the movement and promoted it, embracing the aims of the Second Vatican Council in its first document, Sacrosanctum Concilium – the Constitution on Sacred Liturgy.

The Liturgical Movement was one of the foundations for the development and preparation of Sacrosanctum Concilium. The Society embraced the aims of the Council, promoting its aim of fostering a deeper awareness of the centrality of the Liturgy as ‘source and summit’ in Catholic Christian life, and the ministerial function of sacred music in this context. To this end, the Society encouraged, and continues to encourage, the development of new compositions, using texts in English connected with the scripture and the liturgical action, across a variety of musical styles, all ‘ for the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful’. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 112)

Today the Society of Saint Gregory continues to live the aim of the council, promoting and encouraging “full, active and conscious participation” of the people in the liturgy.

This is their flyer: Bookings are now open for our second series of 4 Wednesday Workshops, which starts next week (20 January).

 In our first workshop, Kathryn Turner will lead reflection and discussion on lament and praise - reflecting on how we can be a paschal people in a time of COVID. This is a change to the previously advertised running order due to unforeseen circumstances. Kathryn is a gentle leader who will guide us in an exploration of this topic at a time when COVID dictates almost everything we do.

 All session take place from 7.30pm to approx. 9.00pm via Zoom.  The cost is £10 per session or the reduced price of £25 if you book for all three.  Further details and online booking are available on our website here.

 In addition, we are once again offering a bonus workshop, on 10 March 2021, delivered by our Chairman, Mgr Kevin McGinnell, on the topic of The Readings of the Vigil – Why no Noah?  There will be no charge for this bonus session and you can reserve your place by emailing

 Please feel free to share all this information with friends and colleagues, as everyone is welcome, members and non-members, and, if you are a group membership contact, do please share with others in your group.

 Other workshops in the series are:

 10 February 2021 – The Triduum – one Liturgy? Lent and Easter – one season? (Martin Foster)

3 March 2021 – Symbols of Lent and Easter (Fleur Dorrell)

 SSG Summer School 2021 – a date for your diary

The good news is that Summer School will definitely be going ahead this year and we can confirm the date for your diary:  Wednesday 4th – Saturday 7th August 2021. Our theme for Summer School will be ‘The God Who Speaks’: Celebrating, living and sharing God’s Word, as the Scripture initiative led by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales and Bible Society continues throughout 2021.  With Covid-19 continuing to impact on our lives, we will monitor the situation over the next few months, before deciding how best to deliver a safe Summer School for all. 

 Our venue for 2021 is Belsey Bridge Conference Centre, Ditchingham, Suffolk, which many of you are already familiar with.  If Covid-19 circumstances prevent us all from gathering there, we will be going ahead with Summer School via Zoom – or perhaps a combination of the two.  We will keep you updated and hope many of you will be able to join us at Summer School this year.  Be sure to make a note of the date and more details about booking will follow!

