13 February, 12.45-2.00pm: Southern Dioceses Environment Network – Laudato Si’ in 2023. Online meeting. Open to all Catholics and our friends for prayer, sharing and networking on the Care of Creation. Attend as a one-off or participate regularly. More details
16 February, 7.30pm: Friends of the Holy Land Concert. Music from the London Welsh Male Voice Choir and supported by Irish trio "The Priests". Westminster Cathedral. Tickets from £20. www.friendsoftheholyland.org.uk/westminster-concert2023.
17-20 February: Living Laudato Si’ Your Parish and Your Planet Online Retreat - with Boarbank Hall and the Ecological Conversion Group. For new retreatants. Free, but donations welcome if you can afford it. Contact Sr Margaret Atkins margaret@boarbankhall.org.uk
18 February, 10am-4pm: Faith and Frontiers: Christian Responses to the migration Crisis - Online Conference. Insights from the work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Speakers include Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover, Dr Ulrich Schmiedel, University of Edinburgh, and Rev. Dr. Keith Clements, plus groups currently working to meet the needs of asylum seekers and refugees in Calais, Kent, and the North of England. Bookings at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/faith-and-frontiers-christian-responses-to-the-migration-crisis-tickets-352547247307
20 February, 10am-12noon: Caritas Westminster – Routes out of Homelessness. Part of Dignified Work Stepping Stones Series. Introduction to organisations helping people out of homelessness and hardship. For community volunteers. Online. Book with Eventbrite
20 February, 12.30-1.30pm: Monthly Prayer Vigil outside the Home Office with Westminster Justice & Peace and London Catholic Worker to pray for migrants seeking safe passage to the UK. Marsham Street, SW1P 4DF. Contact Barbara Kentish (J & P) barbarakentish@talktalk.net
22 February (Ash Wednesday to Easter): CAFOD - The Big Lent Walk. Walk 200 km in 40 days to help fight global poverty. Find out more from CAFOD
25 February, 10.45am for 11am–3.30pm: National Justice and Peace Network - Open Networking Day. Zoom. Book via eventbrite www.eventbrite.com/e/njpn-networking-day-tickets-466226314457 or via link on NJPN website www.justice-and-peace.org.uk/njpn-meetings/
27 February – 12 March: Fair Trade Fortnight. Making the small switch to Fairtrade supports producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet. As part of Fairtrade Fortnight 2023, on Tuesday 28 February, Fairtrade launches the Endangered Aisle. This will be a pop-up experience in Shoreditch, east London. It will be open to the public from 28 February – 2 March. The Endangered Aisle will shine a light on the supermarket staples most at
risk of becoming endangered from the climate crisis, including coffee, bananas and chocolate. https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/get-involved/current-campaigns/fairtrade-fortnight/
28 February, 7.30-8.30pm: Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) - How do we Campaign for Climate Justice Locally? Zoom webinar about effective campaigning to our councils on climate issues. JPIT is the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church working together for peace and justice. Register with Eventbrite
1 March, 7-8.30pm: London Jesuit Centre - Human Rights: A Way to God. With Fr Luis Orlando Pérez Jiménez SJ. In person talk with Jesuit priest from Mexico. Free. Book in advance.
2 March, 5-6pm: Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) - How do we Campaign for Climate Justice Locally? Zoom. Second chance to attend the same webinar about effective campaigning to our councils on climate issues. JPIT is the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church working together for peace and justice. Register with Eventbrite
3 March: CAFOD Family Fast Day - https://cafod.org.uk/Fundraise/Family-Fast-Day
13 March, 12.45-2.00pm: Southern Dioceses Environment Network – Laudato Si’ in 2023. Online meeting. Open to all Catholics and our friends for prayer, sharing and networking on the Care of Creation. Attend as a one-off or participate regularly. Book with Eventbrite
20 March, 12.30-1.30pm: Monthly Prayer Vigil outside the Home Office with Westminster Justice & Peace and London Catholic Worker to pray for migrants seeking safe passage to the UK. Marsham Street, SW1P 4DF. Contact Barbara Kentish (J & P) barbarakentish@talktalk.net
22 March, 11am-12.30pm: National Board of Catholic Women. ‘Waiting for the Gift' – Online. Sr Gemma Simmonds will lead us in an exploration of our role in the Church as women and help us look to the future with hope. To get the link, email helen.burgess@northamptondiocese.org
22 March, 6.30-8pm: Catholic Union Webinar: “Faith in Social Mobility: The work of the Social Mobility Commission”. Social Mobility Commissioner, Ryan Henson, in conversation with Catholic Union Deputy Director, James Somerville-Meikle. Join for a discussion on the work of the Social Mobility Commission and what the Church has to say on social mobility. Free. Register
27 March, 10am-12noon: Caritas Westminster – Routes out of Homelessness. Part of Dignified Work Stepping Stones Series. Introduction to organisations helping people out of homelessness and hardship. For community volunteers. Online. Book with Eventbrite
24 May: 8th Anniversary of Laudato Si’ – Laudato Si Week 21-28 May
10-18 June 2023: Great Big Green Week Celebrating environmental action across the UK.
21-23 July: National Justice & Peace Network Annual Conference ‘Sustainability? Survival or Shutdown?’ The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire. National Justice & Peace Network Annual Conference
30 November – 12 December 2023: COP28 – United Arab Emirates. COP28