Dear Friends,
The Diocese have written to us this week about the appeal for the Priest Training Fund. We will be talking about this at our Masses and we will include it in our newsletters. The collection will take place on Good Shepherd Sunday which is on 21st April, the fourth Sunday of Easter. Naturally you can donate before then if you wish! This year, we have 49 men studying at Allen Hall, of whom 13 are from our own Diocese. We also have one seminarian in Valladolid and one at the Beda, presently on pastoral placement in Ruislip. There are also two on a propaedeutic year at Redemptoris Mater. Last year, 3 Deacons were ordained for the Westminster Diocese. We look forward to ordinations this summer. The cost of the formation of the Westminster seminarians is borne by the Priest Training Fund.
Canon Roger Taylor promotes vocations to the priesthood. There are monthly Seekers’ meetings, ‘Come and See’ days to be held in Potters Bar on 20th April and 1st June in Harpenden. He wishes to meet with deaneries, in parishes, with youth and adult groups and is welcoming invitations to visit schools. He is also very happy to come and meet interested individuals throughout the Diocese so please let us know if this is you!
Sister Alejandra and Mary are holding a second faith formation session for teenagers—post-Confirmation on 21st April at 16h30. It will last around an hour and a quarter so not a huge time commitment but worthwhile and fun! Please encourage your Confirmati to come along!
I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago and don’t have more details yet but please mark 16-21st March 2025 in your diaries! We are off on a pilgrimage to Rome for Jubilee Year! More information on price, flights and accommodation to follow.
God bless, Monsignor Phelim