Dear Friends,
First, it is with great sadness that I write of the sudden death of Daniel Chan, a young teacher at St Anthony’s Prep School. We celebrated a Requiem Mass for him on Wednesday with the school community and his family. You can read a tribute to him overleaf. Please remember him and his family and friends in your prayers.
Second, I thought I would inform you this week about all the different activities we have for Lent here at St Mary’s.
Each Friday with the exception of 8th March we have Stations of the Cross at 18h00.
Each Sunday with the exception of Sunday 25th February we have a Lent course: We Dare To Say. This takes us on a journey through the Lord’s Prayer. The sessions will take place in the Parish room from 16h00-17h00. There will also be the possibility of joining via Zoom and invitations will be sent each week.
On 24th February at 17h00 we will have a session in the parish room for teenagers—aged 14-17—on how to live good Lent.
On 3rd March Parish Lenten Retreat Fr Joseph Bailham OP will preach an extended sermon at the 10h00 and 11h30 Masses (you can watch on our livestream if you do not usually come to these Masses– We will then have Eucharistic Adoration from 12h30 to 16h00. We need watchers for this. Two of you have already kindly volunteered. We will put a sign up sheet in the porch so please sign up! You could perhaps do slots of 15 minutes.
On 17th March we will make a Pilgrimage to remember the Tyburn martyrs. We will walk from St Mary’s to Tyburn leaving here at 14h00. This will take roughly 2 hours.
We very much hope you will get involved in these activities.
God bless, Monsignor Phelim