Dear Friends,
This is the last newsletter of 2023. Please consider reading the newsletter as one of your New Year’s resolutions for 2024! We celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent this weekend and light the rose coloured candle signalling the transition from the purple of preparation and penitence to the white of love and the birth of our Blessed Lord.
As I mentioned last week, we will have confessions this weekend so you can “clear out the cobwebs” and make sure you are spiritually ready to receive the Christ child. If you can’t remember what to say we will have scripts ready. We have visiting priests so you won’t be sitting across from me! The timings are: 18h15 to 19h15 on Saturday and 09h15 to 12h15 on Sunday.
We now have the 2024 Westminster yearbooks which you can buy for £6 for a ring bound one and £5 for a normal one. They give you all the information you need about our Diocese and the year ahead.
We delivered the donated new gifts to the Catholic Children’s Society last week. Thank you again for the donations. We cannot take any more so if you still wish to donate you can deliver them to the CCS 73 St Charles Square, London W10 6EJ. Please do not bring any more used toys to us. Also as food donations for foodbanks seem to have stopped, please do not bring us empty egg boxes. We would very much appreciate poinsettias though!
Please do come to hear the Italian Church Choir on Saturday at 16h30. We sent out information again about this yesterday.
Teenage Confirmation went off beautifully on Sunday. Thank you to all involved especially the candidates.
Yours , Monsignor Phelim
PS Christmas Masses: Christmas Eve 17h00 & 21h00; Christmas Day 09h00 & 11h00. These will be IN ADDITION to the usual THREE SUNDAY MORNING MASSES at 08h30, 10h00 and 11h30.